General inquiries: Rental info:

Membership information: /  Board members: Directors

Report Volunteer Hours

 Volunteer Hours Reporting Period

Volunteer Hours reported between May 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025 will be credited to the member's account for the 2024-2025 curling season. Volunteer hours reported after April 30, 2025 will be credited towards the member's 2025-2026 curling account.


Reporting an individual’s volunteer activity via a Google Form:

Please Note: You can only submit one activity per form, however if you have multiple items you wish to report you can:

  1. submit a separate form for each activity or
  2. submit one summarized item with the total hours reported. e.g. Membership Committee meetings October thru December - 12 hours

To access the form click on the following link: 

Individual Volunteer Hours Report Form

Reporting multiple volunteer activities for an individual or multiple individuals using a Batch Report:

Please Note: This process can be done by:

  1. an individual for entering multiple volunteering activities spanning any date range or
  2. an event convenor/work coordinator reporting all volunteers and activities for a specific event

Click on the following link to download or open a worksheet to your local device. 

Batch Volunteer Hours Report Template

You can use Excel or Google Sheets to fill out the fields and save a local copy on your device with your name in the file. (eg: Batch Volunteer Hours Report JDoe)

Attach this file to an email and send To: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Event Convenor’s should CC: events@cpcurling .ca


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Our Sponsors

Club Calender - Upcoming

25 Mar 2025;
09:30AM - 11:30AM
Tuesday Draw
25 Mar 2025;
12:00PM - 01:30PM
25 Mar 2025;
06:00PM - 11:00PM
Cash Ladder
26 Mar 2025;
10:00AM - 11:00AM
Caldwell School??
26 Mar 2025;
01:00PM - 03:30PM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Proud Members of:

Ottawa Valley Curling AssociationCurl Ontario

Contact Us

General inquiries:  /  Rental information:

Membership information: /  Board members: Directors

About The Club

The Carleton Place Curling Club offers 4 professionally groomed sheets that have been engineered with modern equipment such as rink heaters, dehumidifiers, de-ionized water and good lighting all to ensure the best curling experience possible. It also has a large, well equipped lounge (Bar and Kitchen) to offer a relaxing area to sit and chat, for parties or even for rentals.
No matter the skill level or age, the Carleton Place Curling Club has something to offer for everyone!

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